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Learner Habits

By actively developing good learner habits and learning strategies, students will achieve their goals more easily and efficiently.  Improving learner habits will make the learning experience more comfortable and enjoyable for students.  Academic learning will be increased and students will see their grades improve.

Each quarter, teachers will assess students in the following learner habits; using a 4 point scale:


  • Takes action to complete tasks or solve problems without prompting

  • Uses time wisely and works towards full understanding of a concept without giving up or letting someone else do the work

  • Regularly submits quality work; makes up work in a timely manner

  • Identifies personal, cultural, and linguistic assets


  • Openly accepts feedback regarding classwork and behavior

  • Monitors goals, and when necessary, seeks out teacher or other support

  • Takes responsibility for their actions and/or meets established school-wide expectations

  • Attends class regularly and participates in the task or assignment

  • Prepared for class with materials and homework when assigned


  • Demonstrates the ability to communicate their needs, teachers, other adults and/or students in the school community

  • Asks clarifying questions to develop self-growth as well as growth of others

  • Takes an active role in their learning

You will see these ratings, printed on your quarterly report cards.  These habits will not be reflected in your grade, but you should be aware of your areas of strengths and the areas where you can improve.  Improving your learner habits will positively impact your grades.

View full rubric here