The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Initiative at Central Falls High School provides an opportunity for students to get academic credit for learning that is student-centered, hands-on, and rigorous. Students that participate in ELOs work closely with teachers who are highly-qualified in the subject of the ELO and community members who provide students with the chance to apply their learning in a real-world setting.
Some forms of ELOs already take place during the school day and other ELOs take place after-school or during the summer and are driven by students’ particular interests and passions. When completing an ELO, students make work as individuals or in groups. In order to complete an ELO, students complete ongoing reflections, research, create a final product, and demonstrate their learning at a final presentation.
For more information or to get involved, contact the Director of Multiple Pathways, Heather Dos Santos, at dossantosh@cfschools.net or 401-727-7710 x3242.
Here are descriptions of our Group ELOs and ELOs that take place during the school day.

The INTERSCHOLASTIC IMPROV LEAGUE uses the power of competitive improvised theater to deeply engage high school students in their English curriculum. Interdisciplinary ELO during the school day

Students who are a part of KIDS IN THE CANYON meet every Saturday to hike at Lincoln Woods, study CPR, first aid, basic canyon survival skills, and health, nutrition, and wellness. Student take part in community service projects throughout the year. Over Spring Break, student take part in a 50-mile hike and camping experience in the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The program aims to support and provide mentoring to students who might otherwise drop out of school, and learn life skills in an outdoor setting.

RESTORATIVE WORKOUTS are based on the principles of CrossFit which is a strength and conditioning program that is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. By participating in morning workouts three days a week, build “mental toughness” by working through the physical challenges. ELO PE or Elective Credit Possible

PROJECT OPEN DOOR is the Rhode Island School of Design's college access program for artistically talented teens attending Rhode Island urban public high schools. ELO art credit possible

Our Video Game Design ELO/club teaches students how to work as a team and create their own video games! Students can work towards a technology elective credit.

Students involved in the GREEN TEAM and the Central Falls COMMUNITY GARDEN grow food and maintain green space around Central Falls.

Students involved with the College Crusade Media Literacy program that focuses on media literacy will have the chance to work towards an English CR ELO Credit.

YOUNG VOICES is a leadership training program. Students learn how to become strong public speakers, turn their ideas into action, and have a voice in school change. ELO Elective Credit possible

Students have the opportunity to record their raps, song, and live music in our professional recording studio!

Students in our Guide 2 Success Multiple Pathways Program meet weekly with fourth-year students at the Brown University Alpert Medical School to learn about healthy living. Parenting students also have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Brown Medical students to discuss positive parenting practices.

Students in this DRUM CIRLCE ELO develop hand-eye coordination, improve math skills, build community, and express themselves in a safe and fun environment. Interdisciplinary ELO during the school day

Our Robotics Program is part of the FIRST. Its mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. Check out the Robotics Website! http://cfhswarriorsrobotics.wikispaces.com

Central Falls Mayor James Diossa has invited CFHS students to serve on his Mayor's Youth Council. Participating students will receive a history credit for their leadership.

O clube de Cabo Verde é um clube para os alunos para celebrar a cultura cabo-verdiana, história e línguas. The Cape Verdean club is a club for students to celebrate Cape Verdean culture, history, and languages. *ELO credit possible** Cape Verdean Student Association (Club)- Our mission is to help nurture, remove barriers, and empower the Cape Verdean students to advocate for themselves and each other academically; socially demonstrating leadership and acting responsibly; and civically through community service projects within the community and beyond, as well as, collaborating with other Cape Verdean Associations. *ELO Elective or Foreign Language Credit possible*

A student from Guide 2 Success, our Multiple Pathways Program, collaborate with Erik Ehn, Head of Playwriting at Brown and his students in the Theater for Social Change class to develop theater pieces about meaningful issues.

CULINARY ARTS ELO-meets every Thursday to plan, and prepare a complete dish that we then share at the end of the lesson. Our program is based on the idea that food builds community, and each student has the opportunity to learn basic and advanced fundamental cooking skills, including knife skills, measurement, sautéing, baking, seasoning, balance, nutrition, planning, and budgeting. Throughout the course of the year-long program, each student will plan-lead-and review a cook, and each recipe will contribute to a cookbook that we produce at the end of the year. Sharing the meal is an important component of the program, and besides sitting and eating with each other, we also make it a point to share with our school community and beyond. ELO Elective Credit possible