Central Falls School District Parent College

Purpose of the program:
The program's goal is to strengthen the community by empowering parents through education (workshops, classes, certifications, and opportunities for leadership)
At Parent College, parents can select from a wide variety of classes, including English as a Second Language, Spanish Literacy, Digital Literacy, Leadership Development, Social Engagement, navigation of resources workshops, and certifications to support and enhance their education.
Child Opportunity Zone (COZ)/Parent College provides the families with opportunities to support their children's education, reduce absenteeism from school, and learn practices to navigate resources required for the wellbeing of their households.
Child Opportunity Zone (COZ)/Parent College believes that families, who can understand the English language, will have the opportunity to interact directly with their children's educators while providing vital support to their children.
The program is open to all the parents of children of school ages taking classes at any school in the Central Falls School District. Begin the change today and enjoy the bright future tomorrow!
Parent College Program Offerings
The Program offers essential basic reading and writing lessons for beginners that want to become proficient readers and writers, among other educational opportunities.
Today’s days are crucial to be updated with the technical terminology. Take advantage of the FREE Classes and learn or add more computer and word processing skills, Microsoft Word, the internet, a website search, and email.
Families will also learn to navigate Skyward, the District’s system, where parents can communicate with teachers and monitor their children’s academics.
Main Courses:
Spanish Literacy
Pre- GED
Digital Literacy
The program provides multiple workshops on health and wellness and community resources and offers support to families to increase their personal and professional growth. Academic achievements will help them be more competitive in the market work to obtain financial stability at home.
List of workshops provided at Parent College:
Orientation and resume
Purpose of the cover letter
Practice personal growth to be successful
Time management and the impact on health
Budget management
Basic steps to understand your taxes
Personal presentation and dress codes
Essential practices for successful interviews
American culture and expectations
Leadership Opportunities:
Become an Active Leader! Get more involved in your children's education and learn about:
Parental rights
Navigating High School credits and supporting my child to stay on track to graduation
Applying to College: visits, financial aid, and the application process
Let's Read Together: supporting your child's literacy development regardless of your reading skills
Become an active team player leader
Sense of belonging and responsibilities
Labor rights
Additional Resources for Families:
2022 RIPIN summer camp scholarship applications, to learn more follow this link: https://www.cfschools.net/article/712390
Want to learn more about it?
Scan / click the QR code below to register and receive more information.
You can also contact Maria Cristina Betancur at 401-753-0145. Text: 401-288-1004