The City of Central Falls together with Mayor Rivera cordially invite you to the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. Bring your family to see Santa and receive toys. - La Ciudad de Central Falls, junto con la Alcaldesa Rivera, lo invitan cordialmente a la ceremonia de iluminación del árbol navideño. Traiga a su familia a ver a Santa y reciban juguetes.
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
The city of Central Falls is happy to donate winter coats for their residents. *ONLY ADULT SIZE COATS La ciudad de Central Falls se complace en donar abrigos de invierno para nuestros residentes. *SOLAMENTE ABRIGOS EN TALLAS DE ADULTOS
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
CF- Coats
The City of Central Falls is hosting its 1st annual Thanksgiving Drive! 🦃 They will be offering CF households a free turkey and fixings while supplies last. -- ¡Nuestra ciudad está organizando su primera campaña anual de Acción de Gracias! 🦃 Estarán ofreciendo a los hogares de CF un pavo y guarniciones gratis hasta agotar existencias.
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
City of Central Falls- TG
Thanksgiving Bash! Free thanksgiving groceries and more: 🦃 Inflatables 🦃 Games 🦃 Fun characters 🦃 Face painting The event will take place this Saturday, November 20th, from 11 am to 1:00 pm at Ella Risk School (949 Dexter Street, Central Falls) ¡Fiesta de Acción de Gracias! Alimentos de Acción de Gracias gratis y más: 🦃 Casas inflables 🦃 Juegos 🦃 Personajes divertidos 🦃 Pintura para las caritas Este evento se llevará a cabo este sábado, 20 de noviembre, de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm en la escuela Ella Risk (949 Dexter Street, Central Falls)
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
TG Bash
Attention Families! Important letter from Rhode Island Department of Health-RIDOH and Rhode Island Department of Education - RIDE: RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL VACCINATION EVENTS FOR CHILDREN AGE 5 TO 11. If you have questions, this Monday at 6 pm, the RI Department of Health will host a virtual event on Facebook where pediatrician Elizabeth Lange and RIDOH Medical Director James McDonald will provide more information. Link to join the event(English session) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Español: ¡Atención familias! Carta importante del Departamento de Salud y El Departamento de Educación de RI: EVENTOS DE VACUNACIÓN EN LAS ESCUELAS DE RHODE ISLAND PARA NIÑOS DE 5 A 11 AÑOS. Si tiene preguntas, este lunes a las 7 pm, el Departamento de Salud de RI tendrá un evento virtual en su página de Facebook donde la pediatra Carla Martin y la Vice-Gobernadora Sabina Matos darán más información al respecto. Enlace para unirse a la reunión en Español:
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
Congratulations to all the parents who graduated from our Leadership Academy today. We are VERY proud of each one of you. Looking forward to seeing you in action collaborating together to improve our schools. #CFEXCELLENCE #CFEMPOWERMENT Felicitaciones a todos los padres que se graduaron hoy de nuestra Academia de Liderazgo. Estamos MUY orgullosos de cada uno de ustedes. Esperamos verlos en acción colaborando juntos para mejorar nuestras escuelas. #CFEXCELENCIA #CFEMPODERAMIENTO
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
Our Family And Community Engagement Team (FACE)has been providing a Family Leadership Academy for parents and guardians of the Central Falls School District the past six weeks. Yesterday, they had the pleasure of welcoming Councilwoman Tatiana Baena, Councilman and Board of Trustees member Hugo Figueroa, and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Sonia Grace for a conversation about how they got involved in the community, what they’re most proud of, and advice for our newly engaged leaders. We are proud to have 22 members of the Academy who will be graduating tonight at 5pm! Nuestro Equipo de Participación de la Familia y la Comunidad (FACE, por sus siglas en Inglés) ha estado proporcionando una Academia de Liderazgo Familiar para los padres y tutores del Distrito Escolar de Central Falls durante las últimas seis semanas. Ayer, tuvieron el placer de dar la bienvenida a la Concejal Tatiana Baena, al Concejal y miembro de la Junta Escolar, Hugo Figueroa y a la Vicepresidenta de la Junta Escolar, Sonia Grace, para una conversación sobre cómo se involucraron en la comunidad, de qué están más orgullosos y consejos para nuestros recién comprometidos líderes. ¡Estamos orgullosos de tener 22 miembros de la Academia que se graduarán esta noche a las 5 pm!
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week! ¡Semana Nacional de Prevención del Envenenamiento por Plomo! For more information on lead prevention, visit the City of Central Falls website: Para obtener más información sobre la prevención del plomo, visite el sitio web de la ciudad de Central Falls: City of Central Falls, RI Childhood Lead Action Project RIHousing Rhode Island Department of Health Check out our Superintendent Stephanie's video:
about 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
Culture Day is Friday, October 15! Come to school dressed in clothing that represents where you or your family are from to recognize the rich influence of history, culture, and achievements of everyone in the Central Falls Schools Community!
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
CFSD Culture Day
CFSD Dia De La Cultura
College access and military recruitment events.
over 3 years ago, Milly Rivera
BROKEN CHROMEBOOKS: We have learned that some of the Chromebooks that were given to families this week were broken. On Saturday, March 28 at Veterans Elementary school from 10am to 1pm, you can bring a broken device and receive a different one. You must bring the broken device with you. To ensure everyone’s health, please only have one person from your family come. We will be following the guidance of social distancing and require everyone to be 6 feet apart and have only 10 people at the location at a time. We ask that if your last name begins with A-M please come between 10am and 11:30am and if your last name begins with N-Z please come between 11:30am and 1pm. Saturday we will also be attempting redeliveries for grades 2nd-8th. Please note there are no additional Chromebooks or hotspots available. If you need wifi, please call COX about their 2 FREE months at 888-234-3993. If you have support questions, including username and password, please email
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
Teachers are superheroes everyday and how they have shown us new ways to support students in this transition are just further examples of #CFEducatorExcellence and how #CFSDgoestheDISTANCE THANK YOU TO ALL OUR TEACHERS AND FAMILIES FOR COLLABORATING AND KEEPING THE LEARNING GOING!
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
K teacher
Mayor Diossa reached out about joining as many distance learning classes as he could to connect with students. Here is his message: #CFgoestheDISTANCE
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
Tuesday and Wednesday we will be distributing Chromebooks. Please visit our website for more details: Best, Dr. Toledo
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
CFSD Students, Families, Educators: We know you are just getting started but we'd love to see your DISTANCE LEARNING in action! Post a picture of you learning or teaching from home! #CFSDgoestheDISTANCE
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
El distrito de Central Falls les ofrece comida para desayuno y almuerzo entre las horas de 10-12 cinco días a semana afuera del High School o de Segue Academy.
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Leimer
Familias de Raíces, por un orden de la gobernadora, vamos a quedar en casa el 23 de marzo al 3 de abril. La maestra del salón les va a comunicar el lunes, 23 de marzo con más información sobre nuestro plan para aprendizaje de distancia, incluso las expectativas, una presta de un Chromebook, y como recoger materiales de la escuela en una manera segura. Gracias por su ayuda en seguir con el aprendizaje de sus niños en este tiempo.
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Leimer
Familias de Raíces, gracias por su paciencia durante el crisis de Coronavirus. Estamos planeando cómo apoyar a los estudiantes durante este tiempo mientras ellos están en casa. Compartimos más información cuando sabemos detalles.
almost 5 years ago, Kimberly Leimer
Familias, recuerden que la escuela comienza de nuevo mañana. ¡Vamos por el 100% de asistencia para todos los 3,000 estudiantes de CFSD! Families, remember school starts again tomorrow. Let’s go for 100% attendance for all 3,000 CFSD students!
almost 5 years ago, Stephanie Downey Toledo
Did you know your school district has a mobile app? There is an app for that! You can watch this video ( on how to get 'EVERYTHING Central Falls School District' in your pocket! Stay connected with us!
about 5 years ago, Osiris Gonzalez
CFSD app